Issue 22 Summer 2107 – The Link Magazine – Hair Restoration Quarterly
By Joanie Kumiega, Owner, A Natural Image Hair Studio, Inc., Williamsville, New York (pages 10-11)
I recently had an experience at my hair studio, after almost I thirty years in this industry, that was incredibly special.
A young woman came in for a consultation and told her hair loss story with such vulnerability and honesty that I felt it was important to share. I also feel blessed to be a part of it.
Clarisse’s story connects with mine in a way that invigorates my work. She reminds me of the importance of not only physical health, but emotional as well. We know there are many possible causes for hair loss: Genetics, thyroid, cancer, autoimmune disease and other conditions. While in search for a physical cure, women and men hide in plain sight, ashamed to talk openly to friends and family about their hair loss. Hair loss becomes a private, separate experience – many people sink into low self-esteem, anxiety and depression.
My partner Paula and I strive to provide emotional stability. We truly hope to spark a change in mind-set, to provide the hope & courage to embrace the ‘WHAT IF’ in life – that living is not so much determined by what life brings to us as by the attitude we bring to life.
I’ve always known I’m doing something important, maybe I didn’t realize just how important. I love my job. I love who I do it with and who I do it for. I am so grateful to God for placing me where I am. But, when you’ve been doing the same job for 30 years, sometimes you get into a routine and lose sight of the
“person”. learning the stories of the men and women I help invigorates me. It helps them to feel important and reminds me of my mission and redefines my purpose.
I have alopecia. I was referred to Joanie by a friend. Joanie is a stylist at a salon in Buffalo, NY that specializes in hair replacement solutions. After jumping from doctor to doctor and receiving no answers, I walked into her salon feeling doubtful and hopeless.
The negative feelings soon dissipated though when I walked through the door. I was greeted by a tiny Yorkie who waddled up to me and pawed at my foot. I kneeled down to pet the dog and took notice of my surroundings: the pink dog tag with “Ferrari”, the Buffalo 716 area code pillows, the jars of cookies, the Keurig with the plethora of k-cups and then, the wigs.
Needless to say, I was a little more than wigged-out (pun totally intended) right before I reeled into full-blown panic, a beautiful blond-haired, blue eyed woman walked into the room and swept me up into a hug and introduced herself as Joanie.
Joanie’s salon was comforting, it made me think of my older cousin’s home with the exception of the mannequin heads covered in wigs. She explained how she wanted her customers to feel at home, despite what they may be experiencing. I followed Joanie & Ferrari into a private room where we all sat together, the Yorkie in my lap, surrounded by mannequin heads & wigs and we shared our stories.
Joanie sat patiently as I stumbled through my recollection of the past three months. She gifted me with words of comfort and support while I cried tears onto Ferrari who snuggled against the crook of my arm and, by some miracle, Joanie gave me some answers. This woman pulled me away from the edge I teetered on and she gave me answers. She gave me options!
Option 1: Toppers These are basically like mini-wigs that are used to cover up patchy or thinning hair- i thought they were very similar to extensions.
Joanie was kind enough to let me try on a human-hair topper. You’d never know i was missing patches of hair and the topper itself was so realistic. It was completely undetectable. This option is my #1 because it felt nice and cozy on my head, and it made me feel pretty. It also was very affordable.
Option 2: Wigs The idea of wigs originally freaked me out, but these did not look like any wig l’d ever seen. Most of them were created from real human hair and they looked so real. Joanie suggested I try the wigs and look at the inside caps. She calmed my nerves and should I lose all of my hair, i won’t be so afraid to try a few on and have some fun, especially with Joanie and Ferrari by my side.
Option 3: Non-surgical hair replacement This procedure was a bit com-plicated. Joanie described it as a thin membrane put on the scalp which acts as a second layer of skin. This membrane is implanted with human hair, customized to create a match with the patient’s hair. Pretty wild stuff.
After talking with Joanie, learning her story and hearing my options, I breathed the first sigh of relief I’ve had in three months. I could literally hear three words ringing in my mind, “you’re not alone.” She reminded me that beauty truly comes from the inside.
She took loving care of my mind and my self-esteem. She provided support and options. She built a safety net for me. She listened.
Joanie’s pure resiliency and her passion is a gift that she attributes to her faith- her work is not just a job, it is her vocation, her mission is to help people with their self image.